Sick of bad beats? You and every other poker player alive. That is exactly why you need to be playing with a Bad Beat Guard!
What is it exactly?
Basically, anytime you play at a BBG table, you’ll have a shot at recovering from each and every bad beat you’re unfortunate enough to experience!
Whenever a player goes all-in at a BBG table, the card room calculates the winning chance of every player in the pot. These chances are then displayed as a percentage under the name of each player. Now, if someone loses a hand while their winning percentage was higher than the bad beat cutoff (the percentage displayed in the table label), they’ll have what they put in that pot refunded, in full!
Aside from that, everything about our BBG tables is identical to their standard counterparts.
Terms & Conditions:
• Not all poker tables have a Bad Beat Guard*. Texas Hold'em games featuring BBG are identified by the description.
• Standard ring-game and tournament rules apply while playing tables with a Bad Beat Guard. The rules of play do not change; only pot distribution is occasionally modified to refund players if a qualifying Bad Beat occurs.
• If you take a qualifying Bad Beat in a main or side pot, you’ll be refunded the entire wager you committed to that pot. However, this does not necessarily mean you’ll be refunded the entire wager you committed to every pot that hand. Each main or side pot is evaluated separately for qualifying Bad Beats to ensure required conditions are satisfied and pots are distributed appropriately.
• The calculation of win probability includes the hole cards of players who contributed to the contested pot and still remain at the showdown, as well as the community cards shown at the point of the hand when the relevant All-In wager was made for that pot.
• The calculation of win probability does NOT include the cards of players who folded in the hand. This is true even if a player called the All-In wager in the pot, but folded in a later round of betting for another side pot.
• The calculation of win probability includes the probability of winning by a tie. Therefore, a player with 64.74% probability to win outright and 5.65% probability to win by tie, will show a win probably of 70.39%.
• The Bad Beat Cutoff % is a distinct percent (i.e., 70%) set prior to play commencing, which acts as a hurdle percentage rate upon which your win probability must exceed in order to qualify for a Bad Beat. The BBC% of each game can be found in the table or tournament description (e.g., @ 70%).
• In order to qualify for a Bad Beat, your win probability when rounded at 2 decimal places must exceed the BBC%. Therefore, if the BBC% is set at 65%, then a player with win probability of 64.99% or even 65.00% would NOT qualify.
• If there are two or more hands that qualify for a Bad Beat in the same pot (due to probability of a tie), then each player would be refunded the entire wager they committed to that pot, effectively overturning both Bad Beats. The high hand is then awarded the remainder of the pot.
• A player receiving disconnect-protection is considered to be “technically all-in” for Bad Beat qualification purposes.
• Luvin Poker does not tolerate collusion. All players must act independently and not reveal their hands to other players, nor tell them how to act. Failure to abide by these rules may result in the closure of your account.
* Patent Pending Technology
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