They were the first to act after Black Friday and already pay out US customers, whereas AP/UB don't have any updates at all besides reaching an agreement with the DoJ and FullTilt has postponed to announce their solution to pay out players from the US again. I could also go on and talk about the mud fight between Tiltware and Phil Ivey, but to be honest you can also read a summary of The War of the Roses (1989) - same topic, different people.
But PokerStars handled the situation in a professional way and even though they had to leave the US market, it looks like everything will get back to normal due to the fact that a lot of their business operations was outside of the US as well. Another step forward to normality is the change of structure for the Sunday Majors - in fact most of them got moved 2 hours earlier and the upcoming weekend of June 5th will see double Guarantees (this weekend only) and a total of $5 Mio up for grabs!
The Sunday Warm-Up will start at 11 am EST and instead of 4:30 pm EST, the Sunday Million will start at 2:30 pm EST - the only Sunday Major that was not moved into another spot is the Sunday Kick-Off, who remains at 8pm EST. You can check all tournaments for the upcoming weekend by launching the software, or you can click on the screenshot above to get a preview already.
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