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Aug 30, 2014

30 signs that you are getting old(er)

Saturday, August 30, 2014 Posted by Unknown No comments

In no particular order and most definitely not connected to the fact that I just recently turned 30 years old, please find below a list of “curiosities” that emerge when growing up. Obviously this is a very personal impression and no piece of paper was hurt in the making of this blog entry.

  1. You wake up and feel the urge to pour a fresh cup of coffee.
  2. You subsequently forget to drink all of the coffee and finish the cold rest hours later.
  3. Almost every day it takes a few minutes until you realize what weekday it is.
  4. You listen to the radio and barely recognize any of the songs.
  5. You open one of your favorite playlists and realize with horror that most of the songs are from the previous century.
  6. You are getting easily annoyed by the majority of latest #internet #trends.
  7. What is Instagram and does it make you look fat?
  8. The loud noise during action scenes in movies aggravates you.
  9. Top-Lists with pictures included about pretty much every topic are worth to be checked out.
  10. You check the fine print on articles in the supermarket.
  11. You get excited when there is something in the mail, even if it's just an invoice.
  12. Discussions with old friends usually start with “Remember when”.
  13. The words “kids these days” followed by raised eyebrows have become an automated reflex.
  14. You are able to keep a serious face while using obvious double meanings.
  15. You tend to fall for chain letters and repost them on social networks.
  16. Almost every day you find new options on your smartphone.
  17. Where the hell did I put that remote control again?
  18. It is perfectly common to purchase via eBay such as the TV series that you watched when you were younger.
  19. Santa Clause doesn't exist, but the Grinch may very well be a possibility.
  20. It doesn't count anymore to put your finger on a map, you need the real travel experience.
  21. If you have to pick between quantity and quality, you'd rather pick the latter.
  22. Numbers in general become a big thing, especially this stupid 3.
  23. So this is the growing-up thing that my parents always mentioned when I was younger.
  24. You walk into a tech store and leave with camera equipment instead of video games.
  25. While looking into a mirror, you often check for weird color patterns in the hair.
  26. Quick dial numbers can be incredibly useful unless you forget who you wanted to call.
  27. Casting shows for “music talents” are boring, D-celebrities dancing on ice however ...
  28. Cold coffee gets less disgusting after the third sip. Well, more or less.
  29. While your patience in general improves, you get annoyed far more easily when your favorite sports team screws up.
  30. Last but not least: You love funny animal memes and GrumpyCat is your idol.